Mt Kenya Climbing

4 Days Mt Kenya Climbing: Naro Moru – Sirimon Route

4 Days Mt Kenya Climbing: Naro Moru – Sirimon Route This is most

4 Days Mt Kenya Climbing: Sirimon – Chogoria Route

This is the most common traverse on Mt. Kenya. Unless preferred, camping is

4 Days Mt Kenya Hiking: Chogoria – Sirimon Route

Quite a challenge. The ascend to the base of the high peaks of

5 Days Mt kenya Trekking: Sirimon – Chogoria Traverse

5 Days Mt kenya Trekking: Sirimon – Chogoria Traverse This creative climb joins

6 Days Mt Kenya Climbing: Chogoria – Sirimon Route

The Chogoria route is our recommended and arguably the most magnificent ascent route

6 Days Mt kenya Hiking: Sirimon – Chogoria Route

Challenge yourself to climb Mount Kenya and experience the exhilaration of trekking the

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